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Data & Reasoning Fabric

DRF cited in Sky for All

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Reach more with DRF


Publish your data & reasoning services. Participate in a dynamic ecosystem where your data and reasoning can be discovered and purchased while preserving access and control.

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Get involved with DRF


DRF provides an open ecosystem to enable future air mobility. Let’s build DRF together.

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Access more with DRF


Discover, vet, and rapidly acquire data and reasoning services. Get access to data that was not easy to find before to enable better future air mobility.

How Can a Data & Reasoning Fabric (DRF) Enable Future Air Mobility?

DRF aims to achieve the full potential of future air mobility through a self-sustaining decentralized ecosystem for data and reasoning service exchange. Data & reasoning service providers, infrastructure providers, and relevant local-to-federal government organizations can participate in DRF to exchange information necessary to support future air mobility.

Aerospace Services (Demand)

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Data & Reasoning Services (Supply)

DRF aims to provide a decentralized ecosystem connecting data and reasoning service providers to vehicles and other service consumers while ensuring interoperability, safety, and security across the cloud-to-edge continuum.

DRF is designed for the projected scale of future air mobility accommodating geographically dispersed, heterogenous entities with low-latency requirements.

Decentralized peer-to-peer architecture

  • Leverage open standards to enable interoperability within the entire ecosystem

  • Inherent extensibility to support platform-agnostic applications of future air mobility

  • Increased system-wide monitoring and operational efficiency

  • Lower barriers to entry while giving participants greater control of their data

  • Dynamic discovery, assessment, and negotiated use of data and reasoning services

  • Built-in security measures at all layers of the ecosystem

  • Definition, sharing, maintenance, and execution of airspace system operating policies

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Learn more!

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For detailed information about DRF, please visit DRF’s e-brochure (PDF) for additional details.

Get Involved!

DRF Partnerships

Our stakeholders include data, reasoning, and infrastructure service providers, flight operators, and local-to-federal governments. DRF will establish external partnerships with service providers, academics, and end users to evaluate DRF capabilities. Additionally, these collaborations will help the DRF team develop approaches to overcome technical barriers to implementing future air mobility.

Learn more!

For detailed information about the DRF architecture and design, please see our 2021 AIAA Aviation Forum Publication.

Early Adopters Welcome!

Service providers will be among the first to gain access to DRF and provide feedback. To add your data, reasoning, or infrastructure services to DRF please contact us at drf@lists.nasa.gov.

APIs Coming Soon!

APIs to register and discover available services in DRF are coming soon! Please stay tuned!

Contact us!

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To learn more about DRF or to get involved contact us at drf@lists.nasa.gov